Sunday, November 29, 2009

WPST Tour (Week 9) November 27, 2009

Over the break, our group took a trip to the WPST studio in Princeton. The studio is located in the Sovereign Bank Building. We learned many things about the studio, including where they make and produce the commercials, the Promotion Department and where they film the Live Lounge (which is mentioned in previous posts).


First, we saw the Sales Department. This took up a huge section of the studio and it was just for people who worked in the department. These people help set up different events, such as their freedom festival. The Sales Department creates different events than the events created by the Promotion Department. The Sales Department organizes the big events while promotions set up the little, weekly events

After the Sales Department, we were led to the offices where the company takes care of all of the commercials. This group of people are responsible for recording the commercials. However, if they’re not recording commercials, they find other people, even interns, to record them. Within these offices, they also edit the commercials and send them to the network in order for them to be put on the air. As well as broadcasting and editing the commercials, they also talk to many organizations and companies to get them to promote themselves, via commercials, to be aired on PST.

We also got a chance to check out Dave McKay and Matt Sneed's offices. Dave McKay works with all types of artists to get them to come to WPST to perform in their Live Lounge in order to help promote themselves.(We have mentioned and discusses the Live Lounge in previous posts) Dave McKay's office is filled with signed photographs of many famous artists, that he has collected over the years working with WPST. Matt Sneed, along with being a DJ at WPST, also is WPST’s Music Director. This means that Matt chooses the playlist for WPST every day. Matt's office is filled with CD's of different genres of music; this shows that Matt is dedicated to choosing a variety of different music for WPST's listeners every day.

Next on our tour was the Promotions Office. This office is where promotions sits and researches different promotions that WPST can take part in. In addition, they call many different organizations where they would like WPST to visit in order to promote the station. We had the opportunity to meet Tony Henry who is the Promotions Director for WPST. He is in contact with different organizations everyday and sets up different events such as the Parking Lot Pig-Out that takes place every other Wednesday. With every event that Tony schedules for WPST, he writes it down on a calender they have posted on the wall so the rest of the PST crew can see the different events for the month and determine whether or not they would like to attend them.

Within the station, we were able to tour the three main studios. The first two studios is where WPST's DJs air their radio shows. The third studio isn't used as much because that is where Nassau Broadcasting airs one of their religious stations. In addition to the three main studios, they also have four smaller ones across the hall. These four studios are where all of the commercials are recorded. DJs can go in these small, sound proof studios and record any type of commercial they need. WPST employees as well as interns also have the opportunity to use these studios to record.

Finally, we also visited the WPST Live Lounge which consist of a lounge inside their studio where artist come and perform. It also the place where the fans come and meet their favorite artists.The Live Lounge is decorated with pictures autographed by each artist who have visited WPST Live Lounge. The artists come in and perform exclusive performances that are more intimate affairs than other larger shows that they perform. The crew and interns can also watch these live performances with some well known artists sometimes.

Watch live video from 94.5 PST/WPST Studio Cam on

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